Insurance Basics: Home

Types of Health Plans

Many insurers offer different types of plans. The costs, coverage and rules differ for each

Types of Health Plans
Healthcare Proxies and Advance Healthcare Directives

Healthcare proxies and advance healthcare directives can help you plan your care if you ever lose the ability to communicate clearly.

Healthcare Proxies and Advance Healthcare Directives
Anesthesia Reimbursement

Anesthesia is used to block pain, relax you or control how awake you are. It is used during surgery or other complex procedures. You may need anesthesia even if you´re not in an operating room.

Mental and Emotional Health

Our mental and emotional health is a vital part of our well-being. If we don´t get the help we need, mental and emotional health problems can hurt our relationships with our family and friends, our jobs and even our communities.

Women's Healthcare Coverage

If you´re a woman, you have different healthcare needs than men. Women may need access to birth control, or prenatal and maternity care.

Managing Costs for Day Programs for the Elderly and Disabled Younger Adults

An adult day program is a type of long-term care program you go to during the day. Program costs vary, but most aren’t covered by health insurance.

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If you choose a high-deductible health plan (HDHP), you´ll pay less each month than you would in a traditional plan. But, you´ll also have to pay more up front before your plan starts paying for your care.

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If your plan won't pay for a service, or pays less than expected, you can appeal.